Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Bit of Info about the Classic Inca Trail

The Incas built a vast network of roads to communicate with the four regions of their vast empire. The network was called Qapaq Ñan (the sovereign's highway) or Inca Road, and was made up of stone paths suitable for two or three people with trains of llamas as their beasts of burden. Rivers were crossed by hanging bridges and the steep slopes were mastered with steps and ramps.

There are remains of the Qhapaq Ñan throughout Peru that are still used today by local villagers and farmers. One of the best preserved roads is the trail that links Cuzco and the Lost City of the Incas - Machu Picchu. Today, hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu allows the visitor to step back in time and walk through a large variety of eco-systems and dazzling scenery. The length of this famous Classic Inca Trail is 39 kilometers (24 miles) and includes unforgettable views, archaeological remains; 400 different species of orchids and begonias, exotic trees like the pisonay, the queñual and innumerable species of fauna in their natural habitat, such as the cock-of the- rocks (Peruvian national bird), llamas and vicuñas, the white-tailed deer, the vizcacha (Andean chinchilla) and, if visitors are lucky, the endangered and vegetarian spectacled bear. The Inca Trail is one of the world's leading trekking and camping routes. You can hike this trail by permit only (we can help) and it takes 4 days and 3 nights camping.

Altitude:  Minimum: 2,600 masl - 8,528 ft;  Maximum: 4,200 masl - -13,776 ft.

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