Friday, January 29, 2010

I am in a frustrating time.  Not that I want this post to be about me but.......not being able to be in the Cusco area and do all I can to help is just plain frustrating.  I am sad for the over 30,000 who have lost their homes and  they were so poor to begin with. 

What is most frustrating to me is my inability to raise funds to send.  Being as busy as I am, there just has been no time for starting a 501c3 and the one that was a design of my heart has been ripped out from under me.  Seems in order to help those in need you have to havea big name behind you like Red Cross.  Please understand, I have great admiration for them and this is in no way meant to be discounting of the great work they do. It is just that I would like to get donations and stay in control of them and cannot get them on any grand scale because I have no NGO.  Being that I am so closely tied to the southeast of Peru, and beign that we already are well entrenched in humanitarian efforts through Ancient Summit, it is much more advantegeous to send monetary donations to my son, and my staff in Cusco and let them manage what we already know how to do.  Every penny we get goes to help and not to pay salaries, etc.  I guess I am writing to myself anyway as I haven't yet learned how to use a Blog.  At least I can say I have one, and that I am trying.  If anyone does read this, prayers are appreciated as well.  It is a challenging time for many good and innocent folks around the world right now. I am grateful, more than ever for all of the blessings in my life.

Here is the latest news about the situation in Peru -

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Julio Teaches and Loves

Many of you know about Julio, my son who never wanted to do his homework and is now the wonderful "profe" (pronounced pro-fey) or professor at our after school learning center. He is so dedicated to these kids and has beomce accepted and loved by them and the entire village. The kids have improved so very much since he came to them and we are hopeful that some of them will graduate high school someday and maybe even beyond.

When you travel with us and time permitting we always include a visit to the village. It is a village that exists on agriculture and weaving. Our guests can buy the weavings and also get to enjoy being in their fields and learning about their crops and the plants used for the natural dyes as well as medicines. There is no end to what you can learn there. During the school year, you also get to visit the classroom and meet and participate with the kids.
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