Thursday, December 24, 2009
XMAS at the Village
I waited until the last minute to post these as I wanted to have this year's photos and the "Chololatada" was just the other day. Once again it was a huge success and a good time was had by all. I think my crew and family enjoy it more than the kids at the village. It is so amazing to see how little it takes to make a child happy. These kids are so wonderful. This year, they have improved so very much and we are so proud of them. They now come to Julio and ask him for more homework. They love learning and their Mom's are very happy that they are getting this opportunity since most of them cannot read or write. They sure can weave though!
I know many of you ask me about hygiene in the communities. Please understand that this is a sensitive subject and has to be handled with great care. We are taking steps and this year they learned to brush their teeth. Our next project, when we get the $$, will be to make hooks for each child with their names on them. Then we will buy washcloths and little towels; the moms will embroider their kids names on them and we will teach them how to wash up a bit. We also hope to have moisturizing cream available (Leesa will be really happy about this), so they can learn to take care of their skin. It gets so burned from the wind in the high, cold altitudes.
I hope you enjoy these photos. Remember we always and shamelessly accept donations but love it even more when you come and visit and meet these special friends.
It takes so very little to make these kids happy and thanks to those of you who have already visited, participated, donated and smiled with us. We wish you the absolute best Holiday Season ever and great expectations for the coming year. I just know it is going to be so much better than ever before.
Nina and the gang at Ancient Summit –